KING COBRA & DEKARONED Alliance - Dekaron
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KING COBRA & DEKARONED Alliance - Dekaron

Forum for the KING COBRA & DEKARONED alliance. Information and discussions about us and the Dekaron game.

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Dekaron is moving to Papaya - Cant install the game....

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The new Dekaron download does ONLY have one download and thats for 64 bits PC...

Lots and lots of us have old 32 bits PC´s and cannot run the installation program/ cant play the game... Crying or Very sad

A 64 bits PC can handle a 32 bits program, but a 32 bits PC cant handle a 64 bits program, still they ONLY create a 64 bits program... Mad

How do people think... Buy a game and dont think about a thing like this... Incredible... Rolling Eyes

Well, idiots are international...


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