KING COBRA & DEKARONED Alliance - Dekaron
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Nest Cherubim 140 Dungeon

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1Nest Cherubim 140 Dungeon Empty Nest Cherubim 140 Dungeon Thu Nov 13, 2014 10:41 am



Good morning family,
Now I apologize for my English but I'll try Smile.

Come to tell you that this DG is the only opportunity we each have a SPELL PLUME, yes it's true it's the only place where it drops, however I was looking to get into shape because I did not remember and you need the item SOUL ACQUIRIAI not really know where to pick up this item because it will already many years that I'm not there, if anyone remember or know please say so started doing this DG.

Thank you
Hugs family


2Nest Cherubim 140 Dungeon Empty Re: Nest Cherubim 140 Dungeon Thu Nov 13, 2014 2:15 pm



where is that dungeon bro?

3Nest Cherubim 140 Dungeon Empty Nest Cherubim 140 Dungeon Thu Nov 13, 2014 4:07 pm



Is in Space on top map see the walk in other site: [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

4Nest Cherubim 140 Dungeon Empty Re: Nest Cherubim 140 Dungeon Thu Nov 13, 2014 7:15 pm



That dng was normaly done same party system like with expedition, if we plan to do you all have to know first what kind of mobs in there are, Spell Plume drops only the last Boss Cherubim, but to get to him we need to have a damn good time till the end if not then we wont be able to reach Cherubim and yes this dng doesnt metter how ppl are strong now we need 3 partys if we want to reach CHerubim, only other way is if we have the scroll to summon cherubim no matter if we had good time or not... to get those scrolls someone has to use Naruke...but other way everyone need again Naruke for the upgrade of Jebalau Ring

5Nest Cherubim 140 Dungeon Empty Re: Nest Cherubim 140 Dungeon Fri Nov 14, 2014 7:34 pm



Well the weekend is here...If anyone wants to do Cherubim's Nest,Saturday or Sunday are the days to do it.
The requirements for the raid are:
-to be over lvl 140
-at least 12 people
-(optional)If u guys want to make sure that we get Cherubim at the end we need the summoning scroll that will cost 30 narukes each scroll.I reckon if each exchange 30 narukes for a scroll we will get the final boss for quite a phew times.
-dont want idiots who think they know better or just go on theyr own in the dungeon...I've seen lvl 194 characters beeing killed with 1 hit in this dungeon just because they were going alone and not beeing able to kill certain monsters with 1 skill,so please listen to your party leader if we get to do this dungeon.
-also it is highly recomended to have at least 1 seg in each of the 4 parties.
Well thats abut it...the other details will be discusset in ally chat or before the dungeon so let the leaders of our guilds know if you guys decide to go through with this.

6Nest Cherubim 140 Dungeon Empty Re: Nest Cherubim 140 Dungeon Tue Nov 25, 2014 5:59 pm



I would like to do this dg, but need so much plp. Let me know if theres plp for it Smile

att, matutaza

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